Weak & Painful Hips?
Do suffer from ‘tight hips’? 🤕
Your hips might actually not be tight, they could be doing their best and simply aren’t able to keep up with the demands of your training! 🥲
📝 Here is a simple test which could give you more insight on what actually may be going!
Thomas test 🚊
1. Sit at the edge of a bed (cannot be a soft surface)
2. Hold onto your knee and gently fall back.
3. Allow your leg to ‘relax’ and dangle.
4. Observe the ankle of your hip, knee and ankle.
👨⚕️ Traditionally, this test is done with a practitioner and as you are lying down, your ASIS is being stabilised through posterosuperior pressure.
If the angle of your femur (thigh gone), is greater parallel or greater, try these strengthening exercises! 💪
The Triple Extension Movement